function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}萨米·海尔带领客人去硅谷最好的景点
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Sammy Haile’s title at Signia by Hilton San Jose 是"看门人"但你可以叫他"首席大使.“通常你会发现他在酒店的前门迎接客人, but at day’s end, 他可能在大堂酒廊喝马提尼.

It’s the hotel’s most alluring spot, Haile says. “bbin游戏官网的大堂吧非常现代和优雅,它已经被装修到最高水平. It’s very European in style. 一旦你坐下来,你的心情就会完全改变.”

AJI Bar and Robata boasts arched entryways, plush couches, 几何形的吊灯悬挂在马蹄形的吧台上. 调酒师正在搅拌用皮斯科制成的招牌鸡尾酒, mezcal, and sake, 罗巴塔风格的菜单展示了日本和秘鲁风味.

海尔最喜欢的鸡尾酒是酒吧的“漂亮的伏特加马提尼”,他说. “它让你觉得自己穿着黑白礼服,就像007一样.”

他不是特工,但海尔是加州第三大城市的专家导游. He’s been directing hotel guests to San Jose’s attractions since 1991. (Signia酒店的前身是圣何塞费尔蒙酒店(Fairmont San Jose),后于2022年进行了重大翻新并重新开放.)

bbin游戏官网的酒店位于市中心,bbin游戏官网旁边有两个很棒的博物馆,”海尔说. “bbin游戏官网的客人可以免费参观圣何塞艺术博物馆.”

On Signia’s north side, the San Jose Museum of Art focuses on modern and contemporary art. 在一座1892年的图书馆大楼里展出了2500多件作品,其中大部分是加州艺术家的作品.

The Tech Interactive is a must-see, Haile says, 因为“圣何塞是硅谷的首都, 硅谷是世界科技之都.”

这家家庭友好型博物馆通过太空探索展览来庆祝圣何塞的创新文化, artificial intelligence, and human health. 孩子们(或好奇的成年人)可以设计自己的机器人, get shaken up in a simulated earthquake, 或者坐在宇航员的座位上,在太空中“飞行”.

海尔建议去博物馆看一场电影 IMAX Dome Theater在那里,环绕图像被投射到一个四层楼高的半球形屏幕上. “I saw the Star Trek movie in that theater. It was unbelievable, so beautiful,” he says.

尖端科技可能是圣何塞出名的原因, 但海尔说,这座城市并没有忘记它的过去. Across the street from the Signia is Plaza de César Chávez, a palm tree–dotted park known for its holiday light displays, shimmering fountains, and summer music events. 海尔告诉游客在广场上寻找纪念圣何塞第一个市政厅的牌匾, constructed in 1854. 在那之前几年,圣何塞曾短暂地担任新成立的加利福尼亚州的首府.

Signia的财产也具有重要的历史意义. “bbin游戏官网的酒店坐落在19世纪70年代圣何塞唐人街的地方,”海尔说.

今天,圣何塞是加州最多元化的城市之一. “San Jose is a melting pot. Everywhere you go, you see different cultures. 这种多样性使这座城市更加有趣和令人愉快,”他说.

Visitors can sample multi-cultural cuisine at San Pedro Square Market, a 10-minute walk from the Signia. “这是一个公共广场,就像你在西班牙或意大利看到的那样. 街道被封锁了,到处都是不同民族的餐馆,”他说.

市场上的食物包括尼泊尔蒸饺 Urban Momo, beef barbacoa tacos at Loteria Taco Bar, Vietnamese spring rolls at On a Roll, and mochi donuts at Mochinut.

海尔建议,如果客人想吃丰盛的汉堡或滋滋作响的牛排 The Grill on the Alley. “It’s inside our hotel lobby, 但它在圣安东尼奥大道和市场街都有自己的入口,” he says. “The Grill的汉堡是用日本神户牛肉做的. It just melts in your mouth—it’s so yummy.”

Even with so much to eat, do, and see in San Jose, 海尔说,一些客人发现很难离开Signia的游泳池. “Our swimming pool is breathtaking. It’s surrounded by palm trees and cabanas, 还有一个提供食物和饮料的凉亭,” he says. “当你坐在泳池边时,你会觉得自己在岛上的某个地方.”




Family-friendly: The Children’s Discovery Museum 离酒店很近,有很多适合孩子们学习和玩耍的活动. I have five children, and when they were little, 他们喜欢去博物馆,在消防车上爬来爬去. Families also enjoy the Happy Hollow Park and Zoo, where kids can see all the animals. 他们有狐猴,猫鼬,食蚁兽,各种有趣的动物. Both museums are very educational for children.

Winchester Mystery House: The Winchester Mystery House is a 10-minute drive from the hotel. 这是一座拥有160个房间的维多利亚式豪宅由萨拉·温彻斯特建造,她是温彻斯特步枪遗产的继承人. 它有950扇门,40间卧室,还有无处可去的楼梯. 一位女士独自生活,为什么要建造这么大的豪宅? It’s such an amazing and interesting mystery. 当你参观时,你会了解到她的痴迷.

Sunset spot: The view from Mount Hamilton is breathtaking. 你开着弯弯曲曲的路到达山顶,俯瞰整个山谷和夜晚的城市灯光. It’s a beautiful place to watch the sunset. You can also visit the Lick Observatory on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. 这座山的海拔在4000英尺以上,所以有时那里会下雪,道路就会封闭. People park their cars and walk up into the snow.

Tacos: La Victoria Taqueria has the best fish tacos, either fried or grilled, 他们有招牌的橙汁,简直难以置信. 这是他们的秘密配料——他们不会说里面有什么. 我经常点他们的牛肉玉米卷,他们的牛肉做得很好. It’s spiced just right. La Victoria has five locations in San Jose.

Breakfast/brunch: For breakfast, I love the avocado toast at The Fountain in our hotel. It’s healthy and yummy. 它是如此美丽的呈现,它邀请你去咬它. 我也喜欢去圣佩德罗广场吃早餐 Peggy Sue’s, a 1950s diner with a soda fountain. 你可以坐在里面或外面的露台上,在一天中的任何时间吃早餐. Il Fornaio has a very nice brunch, too. I usually get their eggs Benedict.

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